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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
Mit einem Kapitel über Claus Sterneck in Island :-)
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook    Follow Claus in Iceland on Instagram   |    ENG only!
Pictures:  2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    |    Random
Projects:  Pictures - and their sounds   Books   Post- and Soundcards   200+ pictures   One Picture Per Day   |   Press   Exhibitions
Subject 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Photobooks
I published five books about five very different subjects. Each book contains between 22 and 50 photographs. You can order the book direct from Blurb by clicking on the book images below.

Third edition 2015 - Subject 1 - The old herring factory in Djúpavík and Djúpavík in winter - 50 pictures
Subject 1 - The old herring factory in Djúpavík - 50 pictures Subject 1 - The old herring factory in Djúpavík - 50 pictures Subject 1 - The old herring factory in Djúpavík - 50 pictures Subject 1 - The old herring factory in Djúpavík - 50 pictures
Subject 2 - "Meine Banken" in Reykjavík - 32 pictures
Subject 2 - "Meine Banken" in Reykjavík - 32 pictures Subject 2 - "Meine Banken" in Reykjavík - 32 pictures Subject 2 - "Meine Banken" in Reykjavík - 32 pictures Subject 2 - "Meine Banken" in Reykjavík - 32 pictures
Subject 3 - Rubbish bins in Reykjavík - 28 pictures
Subject 3 - Rubbish bins in Reykjavík - 28 pictures Subject 3 - Rubbish bins in Reykjavík - 28 pictures Subject 3 - Rubbish bins in Reykjavík - 28 pictures Subject 3 - Rubbish bins in Reykjavík - 28 pictures
Subject 4 - Wine glasses in Reykjavík - 33 pictures
Subject 4 - Wine glasses in Reykjavík - 33 pictures Subject 4 - Wine glasses in Reykjavík - 33 pictures Subject 4 - Wine glasses in Reykjavík - 33 pictures Subject 4 - Wine glasses in Reykjavík - 33 pictures
Subject 5 - Arctic Tern (Kría) - 22 pictures
Subject 5 - Arctic Tern (Kría) - 22 pictures Subject 5 - Arctic Tern (Kría) - 22 pictures Subject 5 - Arctic Tern (Kría) - 22 pictures Subject 5 - Arctic Tern (Kría) - 22 pictures

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Djúpavík Hotel
ISLAND Erlebnisreisen

© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2014. Contact: