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One picture per day

31 Aug. 2012 - Reykjavík
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"Different II" – in Reykjavík, in the gallery "Kirsuberjatréð" (Vesturgata 4, 101 Reykjavík)
(23. February till 5. March 2012)
A small exhibition in a small room in a nice location: "Different II".

Small, but a lot to see (and hear and read): A selection of "200+ pictures", which was shown last year in Djúpavík (already 70 pictures are sold). Here you get a possibility to see many pictures of the "200+ pictures" (and buy immediately!). By buying a picture you support the renovation work for the old herring factory in Djúpavík. Get an overview of all pictures here.

Also "Pictures – and their sounds" is shown - listening to the sounds of pictures.

A new work shows a selections of photographs taken in Iceland, mainly in Reykjavík, in 2012. These are shown on the page Claus-In-Iceland on facebook. In this exhibition 14 selected photographs are shown - with the short description and comments by the visitors of the facebook page.

The exhibition is shown in "Kirsuberjatréð", a gallery with Icelandic design. Kirsuberjatréð is located at Vesturgata 4 in 101 Reykjavík (map), downtown Reykjavík. More details about the gallery Kirsuberjatréð here and on facebook.

Vernissage is on Thursday 23. February 2012 from 17.00 till 19.00.
The exhibition is open during the opening times of the store: Monday till Friday 11.00 till 18.00 and Saturday from 11.00 till 16.00.

"Pictures – and their sounds" – Reykjavík, Hallgrímskirkja - Church service II - 25 October 2009 - 11:09 (19 seconds)

Hotel Djúpavík   12 Tónar    
Djúpavík Hotel
  Music store and label
in Reykjavík

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