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One picture per day
Every day one picture - taken in Iceland and published on my facebook page.

Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
Mit einem Kapitel über Claus Sterneck in Island :-)
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook  Follow Claus in Iceland on twitter   |    ENG only!
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Projects:  Pictures - and their sounds   Books   Post- and Soundcards   200+ pictures   One Picture Per Day   |   Press   Exhibitions
"Pictures - and their sounds" by Claus Sterneck in Djúpavík (Iceland) - 17 June till 31 August 2010
A picture can be viewed in many ways – aesthetically, analytically or emotionally. But a picture can also transport you to a different place, right to the moment in time that was captured, and allow you experience it firsthand. The combination of photographs and audio recordings widens the range of the senses, opening the door to a deeper, all-encompassing level of perception.

Right after each image was taken, the background sounds of the scene were recorded along with it – the silence of nature, the noise in the streets, or the various voices of protest during a demonstration...

I sell a book (incl. Audio-CD) with 44 "Pictures - and their sounds" - all sounds, which are "shown" here in Djúpavík and during the exhibition in Eppelheim, Germany. The book is available in a limited edition of 50 pieces and costs € 25 or kr. 4.000 plus postage. If you are interested in purchasing the book please send me an e-mail to - thank you!

Photojournalist Tina Bauer ( was talking with me about the exhibition "Pictures - and their sounds" in Djúpavík. Read the whole interview (in english) here.

Ingólfsfjörður, Eyri – “Kría” birds (or “Arctic Tern”) - 8 July 2009 - 15:48 (24 seconds)

Listen to - and see - these five examples of "Pictures - and their sounds":

Ingólfsfjörður, Eyri – “Kría” birds (or “Arctic Tern”) - 8 July 2009 - 15:48 (24 seconds)    Djúpavík - Inside a tank in the Old Herring Factory - 1 August 2009 - 16:07 (23 seconds)    Reykjavík, Rauðarárstigur - Water in a sewer drain - 13 February 2010 - 03:19 (20 seconds)    Skeið (Svarfaðardalur) - The cat “Panther” - 9 May 2010 - 09:33 (23 seconds)    Near Djúpavík - A small stream - 9 August 2009 - 14:53 (17 seconds)    Exhibition hall in the old herring factory. Without sound but with the exhibition "Pictures - and their sounds".

The exhibition will take place in the old herring factory in Djúpavík, Iceland, and is open from 17 june till 31 august 2010.

My newsletter (one time per month) informs about news and changes concerning my webpage (and a little about Iceland).

Check Djúpavík Hotel here:

Thanks the following sponsors:
Hotel Djúpavík Guesthouse Skeið Menningarráð
GuðjónÓ Appelsín Rhein-Neckar-Apotheke, Eppelheim, Germany K.I.T. Die Galerie, Eppelheim, Germany
Hotel Djúpavík
Guesthouse Skeið GuðjónÓ Appelsín Rhein-Neckar-
Apotheke, Germany
K.I.T. Die Galerie
Eppelheim, Germany


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