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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
Mit einem Kapitel über Claus Sterneck in Island :-)
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook  Follow Claus in Iceland on twitter   |    ENG only!
Pictures:  2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    |    Random
Projects:  Pictures - and their sounds   Books   Post- and Soundcards   200+ pictures   One Picture Per Day   |   Press   Exhibitions
Pictures - and their sounds
While or right after each image was taken, the background sounds of the scene were recorded along with it - the silence of nature, the noise in the streets, or the various voices of protest during a demonstration ... A picture can be viewed in many ways - aesthetically, analytically or emotionally. But a picture can also transport you to a different place, right to the moment in time that was captured, and allow you experience it firsthand. The combination of photographs and audio recordings widens the range of the senses, opening the door to a deeper, all-encompassing level of perception.

Claus In Iceland · Djúpavík - Saxophone concert in one of the tanks of the Old Herring Factory - 14 Aug. 2009 - 21:11

Listen to - and see - some more examples of "Pictures - and their sounds":

Reykjavík - Zoo & Family Park - 11 March 2011 - 15:18 (57 seconds)     Near Djúpavík - A small stream - 9 August 2009 - 14:53 (17 seconds)     Djúpavík - Saxophone concert with Magga in one of the tanks of the Old Herring Factory - 14 August 2009 - 21:11 (32 seconds)     Reykjavík, Rauðarárstigur - Water in a sewer drain - 13 February 2010 - 03:19 (20 seconds)     Ingólfsfjörður, Eyri – “Kría” birds (or “Arctic Tern”) - 8 July 2009 - 15:48 (24 seconds)     Reykjavík, Hallgrímskirkja - Church service II - 25 October 2009 - 11:09 (19 seconds)     Skeið (Svarfaðardalur) - The cat “Panther” - 9 May 2010 - 09:33 (23 seconds)    

© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2012. Contact:

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