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16 Sept. 2012 - Reykjavík
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Pictures 2009:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
December 2009
31 December 2009 – Djúpavík. Last hours and minutes in 2009.
31 December 2009 – Djúpavík. Last hours and minutes in 2009. (7 pictures)
Another year is finished, an new year ready... I don't care that much about celebrating the coming of a new year, because a new days follows the day before day (and I dont celebrate this, too)... But this year 2009 war very exciting for me - I am looking forward for 2010 and all what will happen...
/ added 21 February 2010 - view the pictures
31 December 2009 – Djúpavík. News Years Eve trip.
31 December 2009 – Djúpavík. News Years Eve trip. (13 pictures)
A trip some kilometers further north together with Hermann... Without any word - I let the snow "speak"...
/ added 21 February 2010 - view the pictures
1 till 28 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XIX.
1 till 28 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XIX. (11 pictures)
Before I start to show the last day in 2009 I want to present a new "Miscellaneous" - the 19th. F.e. with that little snow we had here in Reykjavík this winter, Sólstafir and "Meine Banken"...
/ added 20 February 2010 - view the pictures
30 December 2009 – Djúpavík. Pictures, taken during the ride.
30 December 2009 – Djúpavík. Pictures, taken during the ride. (10 pictures)
A few kilometers between Hólmavík and Djúpavík. Moved pictures...
/ added 19 February 2010 - view the pictures
30 December 2009 – Djúpavík. Finally... going to Djúpavík.
30 December 2009 – Djúpavík. Finally... going to Djúpavík. (17 pictures)
Finally, finally I went to Djúpavík. For a few days only, but I could spend New Year's Eve in Djúpavík - together with Svavar Knutur, Dagbjörg, Magga and Hermann, Kristinn Ari, Sigrún, Brynjólfur and Katrín, and Eva, Ásbjörn and Freyja. Here come pictures of the journey there...
/ added 19 February 2010 - view the pictures
26 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Cold and frozen water, 26 December 2010.
26 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Cold and frozen water, 26 December 2010. (9 pictures)
The Boxing Day (26 December 2009) I met Melinda for a walk on the frozen lake Tjörninn (brrr, it was cold really...). A we had a stop at Café Paris.
/ added 11 February 2010 - view the pictures
16 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Svavar Knutur. Orange and black.
16 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Svavar Knutur. Orange and black. (8 pictures)
Few pictures I took during the concert...
/ added 9 February 2010 - view the pictures
16 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Svavar Knutur, concert.
16 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Svavar Knutur, concert. (1 picture)
So, Svavar Knutur played in Reykjavík again - at Íslenski Barinn.
/ added 9 February 2010 - view this picture
13 December 2009 – Reykjavík. 20½ glitter balls - Árbæjarsafn.
13 December 2009 – Reykjavík. 20½ glitter balls - Árbæjarsafn. (5 pictures)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20½ glitter balls at Árbæjarsafn.
/ added 8 February 2010 - view the pictures
13 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Flashback to the past - Árbæjarsafn.
13 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Flashback to the past - Árbæjarsafn. (10 pictures)
About 30 original living and working houses from the 19th century are accessable in the open air museum Árbæjarsafn near Reykjavík. Almost every house is full furnitured and gives a good impression how the Icelanders lived and worked 100 years ago. You should visit this museun, because it brings Iceland closer to you!
/ added 8 February 2010 - view the pictures
5 December 2009 – Reykjavík. The christmas tree is off, the christmas tree is on.
5 December 2009 – Reykjavík. The christmas tree is off, the christmas tree is on. (3 pictures)
At the harbor a big Christmas tree was lighted during a small celebration. Afterwards the guest came to Hafnarhús where Glogg, hot chocolate and fine icelandic Kleinur were served.
/ added 8 February 2010 - view the pictures
4 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Having party for christmas at Hafnarhús?
4 December 2009 – Reykjavík. Having party for christmas at Hafnarhús? (10 pictures)
A local company for financial services had their christmas dinner event at museum Hafnarhús (I was working this night at Hafnarhús). An event with some sophisticated additions: Sushi, delicious slices of bread, arts and music and some alcohol...
/ added 8 February 2010 - view the pictures
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