In combination with my exhibtition in Djúpavík I published my new book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" (4.500 kr, € 30,00 plus P/P). You can get it direct from me by E-Mail and in both 12 Tónar stores (Skólavorđustígur and in the concerthall Harpa)!
/ hinzugefügt am 23.05.2011 - More details about the exhibitions here
This year I will show in Djúpavík two exhibitions: The installation "Pictures - and their sounds" with 14 new pictures/sounds (of 38 ones!). And I will show about 200 pictures, which I was choosing by random from my homepage. The exhibitions are open from 1 June till 31 August 2011 in the old Herring Factory in Djúpavík. More details here!
/ added 16 May 2011 - More details about the exhibitions here
Part 2: Four "Pictures - and their sounds" to hear and see on Iceland Review Online, among others with a the recording "bubbling of an hot spring"! The direct link to the video on Vimeo is here. A big thank you to Eygló and Iceland Review - takk!!!
/ added 16 May 2011 - Check Iceland Review Online
Weekend getaway together with Kaja and Gerald to Djúpavík - journey there without snow, return journey with snow (and one day later as planned). It was so nice again in Djúpavík ... TAKK!
/ added 27 June 2011 - view the pictures