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16 Oct. 2012 - Reykjavík
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Pictures 2011:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
May 2011
Book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" available now!
Book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" available now!
In combination with my exhibtition in Djúpavík I published my new book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" (4.500 kr, € 30,00 plus P/P). You can get it direct from me by E-Mail and in both 12 Tónar stores (Skólavorđustígur and in the concerthall Harpa)!
/ hinzugefügt am 23.05.2011 - More details about the exhibitions here
"Pictures - and their sounds" - 1-2011 - 4 "Pictures - and their sounds"
2 exhibtitions in Djúpavík: "Pictures - and their sounds" and "200+ pictures" - from June 2011
This year I will show in Djúpavík two exhibitions: The installation "Pictures - and their sounds" with 14 new pictures/sounds (of 38 ones!). And I will show about 200 pictures, which I was choosing by random from my homepage. The exhibitions are open from 1 June till 31 August 2011 in the old Herring Factory in Djúpavík. More details here!
/ added 16 May 2011 - More details about the exhibitions here
"Pictures - and their sounds" - 2-2011 - 4 "Pictures - and their sounds"
"Pictures - and their sounds" - part 2 now on Iceland Review Online
Part 2: Four "Pictures - and their sounds" to hear and see on Iceland Review Online, among others with a the recording "bubbling of an hot spring"! The direct link to the video on Vimeo is here. A big thank you to Eygló and Iceland Review - takk!!!
/ added 16 May 2011 - Check Iceland Review Online
30 May 2011 – Djúpavík. The day today. (4 pictures)
30 May 2011 – Djúpavík. The day today. (4 pictures)
Snow and Svavar timedelayed ... But in Djúpavík everything is a little bit different ... :-). Also Freyja.
/ added 14 July 2011 - view the pictures
27 till 29 May 2011 – Djúpavík. Working on my exhibition. (5 pictures)
27 till 29 May 2011 – Djúpavík. Working on my exhibition. (5 pictures)
With Kajas help I was working on my exhibition with more than 200 pictures. Also the sound installation "Pictures – and their sounds". All details about the exhibition here!
/ added 14 July 2011 - view the pictures
26 May 2011 – Djúpavík. Arrival. (4 pictures)
26 May 2011 – Djúpavík. Arrival. (4 pictures)
/ added 14 July 2011 - view the pictures
3 till 22 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XXXI. (6 pictures)
3 till 22 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XXXI. (6 pictures)
Back in Iceland, two nice journalists, different clouds and Jón in my section 'Miscellaneous' part 31.
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the pictures
21 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Listahátið 2011 - La Fura dels Baus. (21 pictures)
21 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Listahátið 2011 - La Fura dels Baus. (21 pictures)
'La Fura dels Baus' from Spain gave an open air theatre show in Reykjavík on Austurvellir (infront of the parliament) to celebtrate the opening of the arts festival 'Listahátíð Reykjavík 2011'. It was sunny, yes... but cold - you can identify this by finding some socks ...
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the pictures
21 May 2011 – Reykjavík.  Wine glases during an exhibition. (6 pictures)
21 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Wine glases during an exhibition. (6 pictures)
Wine glases during an opening event at Hafnarhús. This time with some empty glases ...
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the pictures
14 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Harpa - the new concert house near the habor. (11 pictures)
14 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Harpa - the new concert house near the habor. (11 pictures)
'Open house' in the not complete finished, definitly too expensive, little bit controversial discussed, but now opened concert hall HARPA. Still with a lot construction zones... But impressive this building is.
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the pictures
13 May 2011 – Reykjavík. PP (Post Party). (31 pictures)
13 May 2011 – Reykjavík. PP (Post Party). (31 pictures)
A party. A boat trip. Together with postmen and postwomen and colleaques of the distribution center. A nice evening, night :-).
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the pictures
8 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Where is this bottle now? (6 pictures)
8 May 2011 – Reykjavík. Where is this bottle now? (6 pictures)
Elisabeth, Brit, Ulrike a I went to the sculpture 'Sólfarí' to send a message in a bottle. But, but where is this bottle now?
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the pictures
5 May 2011 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken" 5 May 2011. (1 picture)
5 May 2011 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken" 5 May 2011. (1 picture)
"Meine Banken". It looked like this today!
/ added 4 July 2011 - view the picture
© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2011. Contact:
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