Since beginn of 2012 every day I publish one photography on my Facebook page. These pictures were taken in Iceland of course - and they are very different. BTW: The page is visible for all (and not only for Facebook members)! Here you get an overview of all pictures of "One picture per day".
/ updated 14 October 2012 - Open the Facebook page right now or have a look on all previous published pictures.
Time to look and walk a little bit around in Trékyllisvík (located between Gjögur and Norðurfjörður) - and to take pictures.
/ added 8 December 2013 - view the pictures
On the way to Djúpavík - impressive clouds. Well, near Reykjavík cloudy and rainy but forther north (close to Hólmaví) impressive - and rich in variation - clouds.
/ added 8 December 2013 - view the pictures
Together with Emilie, John and Melina to Djúpavík, Gjögur, Krossnes ...! A few days later a nice article about this trip was paublihed in Reykjavík Grapevine (read here!) - takk fyrir, John!
/ added 25 October 2013 - view the pictures